Saturday, December 31, 2011

The New Year

Well my friends stay safe and bring on 2012 train harder then ever hit those goals and rip the head the beast off!!!!!!

Deadlift day

Started off with a 1.5 mile run


10 min AMRAP
6deadlift (225)
completed 4 rounds

Friday, December 30, 2011


Warm up
3 rounds
10 wall squats
15 hollow body rocks
10 shoot throughs
30 jump ropes

pullup & toes to bar

18 box jumps 24'
15 toes to bar
12 pullups


Since I started training at the age of 12 I've seen gym memberships go from 10 a month to 199 a month. I ask myself why the change, now most gyms are 15-40 a month but crossfit gyms wow they range from 75-200 a month I think that is CRAZY. When you ask crossfit trainers why there gyms are so much you never get a direct answer. The funny thing is I'm a retired powerlifter and now I use the crossfit method at the gym I train at and love it but I only pay 15 a month and they just about have everything there that you need so could someone please tell why crossfit gyms are so expensive?