Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm back

Took some time off from the computer but not the gym hitting it real hard will be posting more workouts changing somethings around. I will be combing bodybuliding with crossfit exercises I know this has been done by some but not by me I think it will be a wild ride

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A fun day

3x500 meter rows 6 min to complete
100MB Slams 10#
100kb swings 35#
5 rounds of  3burpees OTMEM
great workout to end the day

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ok workout today

Had a ok workout very tired after work oh well at least it was warm today mid 50's. So for that off to work tonight for some OT oh and I'm not going to post my work out tonight not worth it!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keep warm

Remenber to keep warm even after training no need to have injuries folks

The Easy day

Easy training today
155frontsquat 5
pushups 5 did have any room for hspu
pullups 5
7 rounds for 12 min took it nice and slow had fun with it did have some soreness in the wrist with front squats but will wrap next time


Remember people if you run in very cold weather to dress warm and use a face shield or scarf to protect your face but to also protect your lungs


15 powercleans
15box jumps
all 7 rounds completed for a time 28:54
also worked on power cleans